Spyware is a form of “malware” or “malicious software” that is used to track what you do on your laptop, tablet, phone or PC.
Your devices are open to infiltration by spyware in the same way as viruses. Spyware can be hidden in attachments to emails or texts or covertly installed while you are downloading a file from file-sharing sites. This spyware can then be used to track what you do on your device.
The tracking activities can be quite detailed. Spyware can be used to track your location, record emails and phone calls, show your typing of passwords and websites visited.

Most concerning is that any device with a microphone or a camera can be activated without the owner’s knowledge. As such, computer spyware is a high-risk and high-impact issue for any client.
For any business, it is crucial for the privacy and confidentiality to maintain top priority. Due to the increased use of mobile devices such as phones, laptops and tablets, personal information can be at risk, as well.
Support You encourages clients to use up-to-date anti-spyware software to screen unsafe files, sites or attachments. We use the latest anti-spyware software to protect your devices, and we continually stay informed of any new threats to help our clients.
We also educate our clients on safe internet use habits to guard from inadvertently allowing spyware onto your devices.
We believe that this 2-pronged approach of security and education is best practice to allow our clients the confidence and knowledge to safely use all their devices.
Support You also has the experience to remove any spyware from your devices and to block it from returning. We take our client’s privacy and security very seriously.
Contact us now to discuss your anti-spyware needs.